We’d love to have you visit us in person! We would love to show you around our College, connect you with some current students and staff, and let you see what it's like being a student at ELC!

Visits are from 1:30-4:00pm on Mondays and you can select your preferred date on the sign up form!
Here's what you can expect: 

  • ELC introduction

  • ELC Tour 

  • Chapel

  • An opportunity to schedule an appointment with our Academic Director for further academic/ financial questions  

If Monday visits don’t work for you, we would love to have you visit ELC on a Sunday!
Here's what you can expect: 

  • Attend Emmanuel Christian Center (9:00am or 11:00am)

  • 1/1 connect with our Site Director, Pastor Jess

  • ELC Tour  

  • An opportunity to schedule an appointment with our Academic Director for further academic/ financial questions